Module of Order management is applied to trading enterprise and manufacturer, serve purchasing materials division (normally sales department or planning department). The main function of this module is to help staffs to plan, prepare purchase order, to follow up the schedule of purchase order of products and materials and nsure enough products for selling goods and materials for production. Order Management Module also helps the staff prepare orders, monitor the progress of the purchase and sale of goods, products, plans to make the packing and delivery of orders as required, after transferring data to the accounting department ...
Order management module includes two sub-modules as the Customer order (Sales Order) and vendor orders (Purchase Order):
Customer orders (Sales order)
o Create customer orders
Sub-module buyers Orders input orders from customers. Sales people update detailed orders data including the number and types of goods and products. For manufacturing enterprises, there should be more information on product specifications, requirements for structural products, packaging specifications, delivery deadlines, conditions and means of delivery, and information regarding cost and fees of the order...
In case of orders related to policy of promotion and discount, when creating orders, the program can automatically retrieve data from promotion and discounts list. This list can be created and modified in the Customer Management module and Order Management module. This list will be modified according to the requirements of each business applying EFFECT-ERP.
The default order is classified as customer orders (placed by customers), internal orders (warehouse to store) and requirement determining order (predicting demand for goods - only used for making purchases without having to mention the production plan)
o Delivery
For orders not need regulations and packaging specifications, based on the delivery schedule, the sales staff can immediately implement the delivery in the whole orders or partial orders. When performing the function of delivery, the quantity of data such as sales, VAT, fees and charges associated ... are automatically transferred to the accounting module under the default accounting set by the business.
For goods / products with packaging and delivery regulations, the software converts orders into the Packing List Order, which is a collection of goods by Shipping Address. The packing list order is base for the transport of goods sold and after delivery, data will be automatically transferred to the accounting module as sales invoice data.
Sales invoices can be printed from the list of orders, or printed from the accounting system after the transfer of order data into the accounting system.
o View order data
Software continues to provide information about the number of possible delivery (full line level), number of goods delivered, and number of goodsnot yet delivered in each section of the order.
In order management process, the program continues to provide information on the status of the orders updated, orders which have been converted into packing lists, and orders which have been switched to accounting. This information is provided by the function “View the data”... Order status is shown in different background colors: White: Freshly created - green: Packaged and delivered - red: Moved to accounting module...
o Customization
Software Customization allows you to customize the software, add or remove attributes, field data, order information. When the order management process of the enterprise changes and becomes different from the software, the ability to customize by immediate programming mechanism will allow the software to meet this change.
o Link module
Customer Order Sub module receives data from the quotations transferred from the Customer Management module. Besides, it provides order data for Production Management module, as input for production planning to meet the delivery schedule of the order.
Supplier Orders (Purchase order)
o Creation of Purchase Orders
Orders Sub-module vendors for the use of commercial enterprises. Sub-model of purchase order’s input is purchase order. Purchase order of goods, material can be created automatically based on order from customer and status of inventory. Purchase order of materials, products can be created by updating to system by hand.
o Take control of your cargo needs
Functional calculations on future inventory software always provide you with information about goods and ability to respond at a time (days) for any future orders of customers. Where the goods are not enough, the software will provide a list of goods to be purchased and transferred this data into purchase orders automatically.
The demand for goods is calculated automatically from: Schedule delivery of customer orders, the number of rows to place orders and current inventory. Whenever a new order, order cancellation or customers, or increase / decrease the number of orders, change delivery schedules ... the future inventory change as well and you can always know the level of satisfaction of goods for each order customers at any given time in the future.
o Official order
After the list of orders created automatically or manually, you can use the official order functions Official Ncc order by marking the official orders to order, print out the order to vote sent to the supplier and order. The software also supports the vendor only criteria nearest supplier, or choose from a list vendor supplied items in the past.
o Subscribe to receive goods
After ordering, you will monitor the implementation process and to promote purchasesa according to schedule. When the good comes, you shall receive goods in original order or partial order. On the software, data will be automatically transferred to the accounting module in the form of import bills. The data on import duties, VAT and the cost was incurred for orders or declarations for goods will automatically be transferred to the accounting module is the default account available.
o View purchase data
In any point of time, you can read the list of ordered goods but not yet arrive to know the level of satisfaction of product to sell goods and materials for production in the next time, as well as have methods to push late orders.
Similar to sub-module of purchase order, while control purchase order, the program always provides information of status of updated purchase orders, order placed officially, orders transferred to accounting. This information was provided by function of “read data”.
o Customization
Software Customization allows you to customize the software, add or remove attributes, field data, order information. When the order management process of the enterprise changes and becomes different from the software, the ability to customize by immediate programming mechanism will allow the software to meet this change.
o Link module
Along with customer order sub-module, supplier order Sub-module transfers all the necessary data into the accounting module for the accounting staff to continue to monitor the debt providers and warehouse management sub-module in module for adequate accounting monitoring data warehousing, inventory of goods, used in mining goods inventory information timely. Đánh giá trên Facebook